Coop Services - TitleVest's Coop/Condo Offering Plan Library
TitleVest's Coop/Condo Offering Plan Library is New York's largest library of offering plans.

Over 6000 offering plans and growing, TitleVest's Coop/Condo Offering Plan Library is by far the fastest and most convenient way to obtain and review condo and coop offering plans.

  • Web-based access to over 6000 offering plans.
  • Digital offering plans are free.
  • Printed copies are available for $200.
  • TitleVest will contribute $50 toward the purchase of any offering plan we don't have in our library, provided TitleVest is allowed to make and retain ownership of a digital copy of the plan for our library. TitleVest will contribute $50 based on coordinating the purchasing of the offering plan. REBNY members will receive a contribution of $100.00 towards the purchasing of the offering plan.
  • Keyword-searchable.
  • Hyperlinked tables of contents.
  • 24/7 online availability.
  • Easily sharable with other parties in the transaction.

Donate your offering plans to TitleVest!

If you have offering plans you are willing to donate to our library, please contact us at or 212-757-5800 and we will make arrangements to get them from you.

Appreciate TitleVest's FREE offering plan library?

The best way to show your appreciation is to place your Title Insurance/Coop Lien Search orders with us!