Title Insurance - Coop
Coop UCC/PlusTM from the leading provider of Coop Services.

As New York's #1 provider of Coop Services, TitleVest is pleased to present Coop UCC/PlusTM— title insurance developed exclusively for coop transactions. For those who want the added protection of a title insurance policy, Coop UCC/PlusTM is a compelling option. It offers coverage beyond the traditional leasehold policy at a fraction of the cost of traditional policies.

Features and Coverage** Fidelity Coop UCC/Plus Owner's Policy Leaseholder Owner's Policy (TIRSA) Coop Lien Search
Disclosure of Liens* Encumbrances Yes Yes Yes
Leasehold Interest

The Cooperative Unit Owner's right to possess and occupy the Cooperative Unit.

Yes Yes --
Interest in Coop Org.

Stock certificate and proprietary lease appurtenant to the certificate for the Cooperative Unit.

Yes -- --
Coop Org. as Additional Insured

Available for an additional charge by endorsement to the Eagle 9 Owner's Policy as to the Cooperative Interest in the Coop Unit.

Yes -- --

Execution of documents by someone other than the Cooperative Unit Owner.

Yes Yes --

Fraudulent action by the Cooperative Unit Owner, such as a claim made at closing that the stock and proprietary lease relating to the Cooperative Unit were lost, when they were actually previously transferred to another party.

Yes Yes --

Insures against liens such as: federal, New York State and New York City tax liens, and personal judgments filed in the county in which the Cooperative Unit is located.

Yes Yes --
Lack of Authority

A claim that the party (including corporations, trusts, and estates) who transferred the unit lacked full authority to do so.

Yes Yes --
Maintenance Charges

Unpaid maintenance charges through the date of the policy.

Yes Yes --
Validity of Coop Formation

The cooperative interest not being part of a properly formed and validly created Cooperative Organization pursuant to the laws of the State of New York.

Yes Yes --
Marketable Title

Ownership that is free from encumbrances and any reasonable doubt in its validity from the grantor.

Yes Yes --
Legal Defense

Costs and expenses, including attorney's fees incurred in the defense of any matter insured by the policy.

Yes Yes --
Amount of Coverage Purchase Price of Unit Purchase Price of Unit $50,000 for errors and omissions due to negligence
COST 33% (approx)
of ALTA fee policy premium
70% (approx)
of ALTA fee policy premium

* Set forth in the title commitment
** The list of coverages is a summary only. PDF copies of the form Fidelity Coop UCC/Plus and Leasehold Policies, which contain the full terms, conditions and exclusions, are available here: Coop UCC/Plus Owner's Policy, Coop UCC/Plus Lender's Policy, Leasehold Owner's Policy; Leasehold Lender's Policy


If you are an attorney and want to learn more about Coop UCC/Plus™, TitleVest is offering a complimentary 1-hour,1 credit CLE that goes over the basic coverages of the Coop UCC/Plus™ at your offices or ours. To schedule a CLE or for more information, contact TitleVest at ce@titlevest.com or 212-757-5800.